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Vision Related Terminology
Near Sighted (Myopia)A refractive defect of the eye that causes a person to be unable to view objects at a distance clearly.
Far Sighted (Hyperopia)A refractive defect of the eye that causes a person to have difficulty focusing on near objects. In extreme cases of far sightedness the person can be unable to focus on objects at any distance!
AstigmatismBlurred vision due to an irregular, or Toric shaped Cornea. Many people describe astigmatism as ones cornea being shaped like a football. While a regular cornea is shaped like a baseball.
CorneaThe outer-most, transparent part of the eye that covers the Iris and pupil.
PresbyopiaA condition where the eye progressively loses its ability to focus on near objects. Early signs of Presbyopia are difficulty focusing on fine objects or print and seeing in dim light. In other words, it might be time for reading glasses, bifocals, or no-line bifocals AKA progressive lenses.
CataractsA clouding of the Crystalline lens. Cataracts can vary in opacity from slight to complete opacity and therefore severely minimizing one's vision. Cataracts are a natural part of aging. However, early onset of cataracts can come from not wearing UV protective eyewear, prescription or nonprescription. Not to worry! With today's technology cataracts are easily treatable!
AMD (Age related Macular Degeneration)A condition of the eye that causes a loss of vision in the central visual field (the macula) of the eye. AMD is a major cause of blindness and visual impairment in older adults. It makes it difficult to read and even recognize faces.
High Index LensesHigh index lenses are used for people who have stronger eyeglass prescriptions. Whether they are far sighted or near sighted. The lenses are both thinner and lighter, and therefore more comfortable and cosmetically appealing to the wearer. Unlike normal plastic lenses, High Index lenses due to their physical properties automatically block Ultra Violet rays from entering the eye.
Non-glare LensesNon-glare lenses have a coating on them which reduces or elimiates reflections of light from both their front and back surfaces. This coating is very beneficial to those who require High Index lenses as they reflect more light than regular plastic lenses. Simply put, non- glare lenses allow more natural light in your eyes for crispest vision possible. Especially while driving at night and extended computer use. Today's non-glare lenses are also hydrophobic and smudge proof which means they do not need to be cleaned as often. The icing of the cake of non-glare lenses is that they are cosmetically appealing, allowing people to see your eyes more clearly.
Polarized LensesFor many years it seems that only boaters and fisherman knew the benefits of polarized eyeglass lenses. The truth is, anyone who wears sunglasses, prescription or non- prescription, will benefit from this technology. When light hits a flat surface such as a road, or water, or the hood of a car, it bounces in every single direction creating annoying, intense glare. With a polarized filter this intense light is blocked allowing clearer, more comfortable vision.
High-definition LensesLike everything else, eyeglass lens technology has grown leaps and bounds. Simply put, High-Definition lenses offer the best and clearest vision possible. Think of it this way, compare an old lens to a watching a movie on a VCR. You can see what's on the screen from beginning to end. And we were happy with this. Now, consider a high-definition lens to that of watching the same movie on DVD or more appropriately a Blue-Ray disk. Like the VCR movie, we still see the picture, but the colors are more vivid and crisp. The detail is unbelievable. You may notice things in the background that you did not before. These lenses are so advanced that they can even be custom made to your posture and head positioning and lifestyle.
Transition LensesThese lenses are great for kids & people on the go. Transition lenses darken when you go outdoors, and lighten when you return indoors. No need to carry that extra pair of prescription sunglasses around when you don't have to. And, you get 100% UV protection built right in. This is particularly important for kids who are outside a great deal to protect their eyes starting at a young age.
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